Get Gift Cards at Great Discounts

April 24, 2011 at 4:32 am Leave a comment

Thanks to my wise neighbor, I have discovered Plastic Jungle, a clearinghouse for gift cards. You can sell any gift card that you don’t want to Plastic Jungle, or better yet, you can purchase gift cards that others have sold to the site at a discount. You can save up to 35% per gift card and just about any gift card you can think of is offered on the site (except Amazon). Shipping is FREE and there are no fees to purchase the cards.

I have purchased several gift cards from Plastic Jungle with no problems at all. They usually arrive within a few days of your order (depending on where you live).

I think it’s a no-brainer. For example, I do a lot of my general household shopping at Target and buy clothing at Kohl’s. So I purchase the gift cards ahead of time and use them as needed, knowing I’m making my purchases at a discount. You really can’t lose!

The only downside I can see is that when the gift cards arrive, the card itself does not look brand new. That’s no problem for me because I generally purchase them for my own shopping needs, but I may not want to give one as a gift to someone.

Entry filed under: Gift Cards, Online Shopping, Travel. Tags: , .

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